Spread The Word About March 11 DES Breast Cancer Hearing! #keepLillyhonest

3 Mar

Please share the following via email, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets.

As you know, the first historic DES breast cancer trial (Fecho v. Eli Lilly) in Boston was settled after only one testimony on January 8, 2013: http://boston.cbslocal.com/2013/01/09/drug-maker-settles-with-sisters-who-blame-cancer-on-pregnancy-drug/

DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a toxic and carcinogenic synthetic estrogen that many consider to be the world’s first drug disaster.

Fecho v. Eli Lilly is heading back into mediation on March 11, 2013 at 10 a.m. at Boston’s John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in courtroom 25 on the 7th floor. Judge Marianne B. Bowler has ordered this conference for alternative dispute resolution.

For over a year, Eli Lilly has not honored its promise of good faith mediation. Eli Lilly has a decision to make: either to continue to pay millions to lawyers and drag dying DES Daughters through years of unnecessary litigation, or to settle and end this tragedy.

To this day, Eli Lilly has never accepted responsibility nor apologized for the DES tragedy, even though the Company has paid millions in out-of-court settlements and verdicts to DES Daughters and Sons who suffered injuries from their exposure. In fact Eli Lilly made billions of dollars off of DES, a drug they heavily marketed that was of “no benefit” to its users and in fact caused great harm to millions of innocent people.

An online petition calling for Defendant drug giant Eli Lilly to deal fairly with the DES daughters and compensate them for their lifelong injuries, including breast cancer due to their DES exposure, has now reached 1000 signatures. Sponsored by DES Daughter Patricia Royall, the petition has been delivered to John Lechleiter, CEO of Eli Lilly.

According to the petition, it is time for Eli Lilly to do the following:

1. Make a formal apology for the DES drug disaster.

2. Follow through on their (good-faith) promise to settle the remaining cancer cases of DES Daughters who have suffered from breast cancer as a result of DES exposure.

3. Conduct an ongoing public campaign in an effort to reach out to women and men exposed to DES so they can be proactive in advocating for their future health.

4. Similar to the book Eli Lilly published years ago to educate physicians on the “benefits” of prescribing DES to their patients, the Company now needs to publish a book to educate physicians on the side effects associated with being exposed to DES in order to properly care for their DES exposed patients.

Comments under the petition include:

“As a DES daughter with an incompetent cervix, my first 2 sons were born premature and died. I had to have 2 corrective surgeries and spend 30 weeks in bed for each of my next 2 pregnancies, to carry to term. My mother has had breast cancer associated with DES exposure…your product has affected 3 generations of my family. Own up!”

“It is time for you to come out from under your blanket of denial and accept responsibility for the terrible harm that your firm has caused.”

For more information about the petition, please read this CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-933919

Note that there are 72 remaining DES breast cancer cases pending in Boston federal court and the District of Columbia. Following Fecho v. Eli Lilly that concluded in January, four DES breast cancer cases with Plaintiff DES Daughters prenatally exposed to DES in New York are now being considered for a consolidated trial this summer.


4 Responses to “Spread The Word About March 11 DES Breast Cancer Hearing! #keepLillyhonest”

  1. Patricia Royall March 3, 2013 at 8:28 pm #

    Oops my Ipad likes to change my words. Simply, each time a link is opened it registers with the google bugs and gets closer to the top of the search engine page. For instance, if you were to google Eli Lilly + DES the first page is covered with articles that state that Eli Lilly has settled the breast cancer case. That is what they want the public to know. I think what we want the public to know is that Eli Lilly is not done settling.

  2. Patty Ellis March 5, 2013 at 2:59 pm #

    What about the rest of us that have not yet had breast cancer? Will there be recourse for us if/when that diagnosis comes? Will we have to start all the process of litigation over whatever else is down the road for us? Is anyone lobbying for a massive trust fund to care for future cancers or are we fighting only for the Fecho sisters and the 72?

    • DES Info March 5, 2013 at 7:40 pm #

      The petition created by Patricia Royall demands the following from Eli Lilly:

      1. Make a formal apology for the DES drug disaster.
      2. Follow through on their (good-faith) promise to settle the remaining cancer cases of DES Daughters who have suffered from breast cancer as a result of DES exposure.
      3. Conduct an ongoing public campaign in an effort to reach out to women and men exposed to DES so they can be proactive in advocating for their future health.
      4. Similar to the book Eli Lilly published years ago to educate physicians on the “benefits” of prescribing DES to their patients, the Company now needs to publish a book to educate physicians on the side effects associated with being exposed to DES in order to properly care for their DES exposed patients.

      As for “lobbying,” please ask DES Action about its programs and plans re: this. They may have something in the works.

      DES Info is run by volunteers trying their best to share info, but it is not a paid org with a staff.


  1. Pregnancy Drug raised DES Sons and Daughters’ Health Risks and Cancer Odds | DES Daughter Network - March 9, 2013

    […] claim of added breast cancer risk is heading back into mediation for 50 women in a lawsuit against Eli Lilly next week in Boston. Note that there are 72 remaining DES breast cancer cases pending in Boston federal court and the […]

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